Eon kid theme song in hindi
Eon kid theme song in hindi

It's not exactly entirely clear why this happens, we just know that it does. The acoustic information that's received and the interpretation a brain comes up with simply don't match up. This is essentially what happens in the childhood game of "telephone." As one friend whispers a word or phrase into another's ear, it can become wildly distorted, and a totally different word or phrase can come out the other side. According to the author, when she was young her mother would read to her from a book called "Reliques of Ancient Verse." Her favorite poem from the 1765 book went like this: "Ye Highland and Ye Lowlands / Oh where have you been? / They have slain the Earl o'Moray / And laid him on the green." Wright, however, heard the last line as "And Lady Mondegreen."Ī mondegreen actually takes place between auditory perception (the physical act of hearing) and meaning-making (when our brains imbibe the noises with significance). The term was coined in a November 1954 Harper's Bazaar piece, where the author, Sylvia Wright, recalled a childhood mishearing. I strongly recommend giving this a watch if you haven't already, don't get fooled by how childish it seems the first time getting into it.The word mondegreen is defined as a misheard word or phrase that makes sense in your head, but is, in fact, incorrect. The character development on both Marty and Ellie is also very well done in such a short time.

Eon kid theme song in hindi Eon kid theme song in hindi

This is an exceptionally well-written story in terms of how quickly it introduces us to this robotic world and builds up it's heroes and villains. Although the animation is not impressive the fight scenes and some of the best animation in the show is in the later half of it - either that or I got used to it, and the story telling easily makes up for the CG. If that's so, it's one of the best dubs I've ever heard since dubbed voices very rarely match the caracters so perfectly that you wouldn't expect it to be a dub. Although the voice acting is pretty decent, the sound design felt a bit off until I realized what I was watching is probably a dub since the show is Korean/Spanish. I gotta say the animation is not very impressive but that is not the show's fault as it wasn't very mainstream and so it didn't have a huge budget and also TV CGI in the 2000's wasn't very developed. The show is just as good as I remember it and I had an absolute blast binge-rewatching it.

Eon kid theme song in hindi Eon kid theme song in hindi

I watched this some time around when I was six or seven on TV and recently I'd been seaching exessively for this show's name to find and rewatch it. You know that feeling when you search for a song you don't know the name of and you find it after months? I had an extreme case of that with this show.

Eon kid theme song in hindi